This trip was organized by:

The London and Paris trip was organized by International Tours of Lansing. They did an awesome job making sure we had a wonderful experience.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Picture Samples

In the past week I have taken about 800 pictures. Most of the time I use the automatic setting. However there are a few times that I've ventured beyond letting the camera make all the decisions for me. To keep the flash from being used I sometimes put the camera in Program Mode. There is a way to turn on the flash in the menu settings but the previous way is quicker.

For the football pictures I used the automatic setting. It was a sunny day. I put the camera in multi-picture taking mode.

These four pictures are in multi picture taking and action mode. Check out the freeze frame in this picture below. That is more the camera than me. I'm just lucky to be pointed in the correct direction.

I was following this young kid down the field using the multi shot in the automatic mode. The pictures below show another example of how the multi-pic taking mode works. Just hold the button down and hopeful the camera will focus in time to do the shots.

Then there is the look of agony. Yes, the Jr. Quakers ended up being the victims of another shut out. I got some great shots though.
This shot was taken in macro mode used for close up shots.

I was driving to work on evening. I pulled over across the street from Stober's and ripped this one off quickly around 1755 hours.

Action and speed shots give me some hassle still especially in low light situations.

I did not figure out how to capture super fast motion yet. The ladies in the picture are moving very slow.

Team Lansing Derby Vixens. One of the coolest Derby teams in the mid-west and next year the world ! Check them out on the book of face and their web site is

I saw this woman working outside of Kewpee.
Squirrel !

What are you staring at?

I like this picture. Unfortunately this is one of the lots that charge $10 for parking during special events like Common Ground, when there is free parking all over the L.

This is from the 2nd floor at Troppo. I do believe the ISO was raised by the camera. There is a elongated exposure time that would make things simplier with a monopod or a tripod.

I definitely used a tripod on this shot.

COW. This is on Jolly road MSU does a lot of stuff in between I-96 and - well I guess all the way up to Grand River.

Does this look like a picture that would be used for a puzzle?

What about this one?

40-150mm Zoom lens was used automatic setting

This is using the 14-45MM lens. I took more but I really don't understand the huge spoiler on the back of the car. I suppose the owner races the car.
The camera takes great pictures. I'm still trying to figure out all those dang settings. I did find a couple of people that said they'll give me some of their knowledge. I have to make time to get me some - knowledge that is. Thanks for checking out my snapshots. ~Melik

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